
The idea:

Bronze Mezuzah from Krakow. This mezuzah is a bronze cast of imprint of the mezuzah trace found at the old tenement at Mostowa Street in Krakow. We created a new mezuzah out of bronze to make the history tangible. Touching the mezuzah activates a link between past and present. MI POLIN – contemporary judaica brand from Poland.


5,7” long / 1,37” wide




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Full insurance included into unit price
Shipping fare starts from 40$


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MI POLIN products are duty free!



Shipping info Worldwide UPS shipping rates starts:
Poland – always 5,5$
USA & CANADA - from $40
UE & UK - 22$


Learn more about mezuzuah from this home series

The trace of mezuzah

new mezuzah - bronze cast of the trace

The story hidden behind

the home

The building was built between 1868 and 1873 as a tenement house. Probably it was designed by Jacek Matusiński. The owner of the building at 8 Mo­stowa was Abraham Lednitzer. From 1926 to 1934 only 4 Jewish residents lived in this tenement: Uebersfeld Estera, Gross Hallassa, Bloch Ruchla, Zweig Salomea. According to a list of prayer houses in pre-war Kraków in the backyard of 8 Mostowa Street was a prayer house of Chana and Abra­ham Lednitzer. The praying house was built in 1907 by the Lednitzer Fa­mily. During World War II, Nazi Germans devastated the buil­ding and it was no longer a prayer house. Today there is a workshop in this place. No one is allowed to enter the building.

the family

In 1940 Jews were deported from Kraków to Kazimierz under the order of Nazi German occupation authorities. Among them there was the Steiner family, who moved to the appartment number 19 at 8 Mostowa Street. This marriage was: Chaskel Jakub and Scheindel Matel and their childrens: Fela, Bronisława, Szaja and Pinkus. The Cracow Ghetto was established in the Podgórze district on the March 3rd 1941. Fela and Szaja were transferred to an apartment Józefińska Street, where they registered on November 27th . Next, they were sent to Lubicz camp. Probably no one of them survived.

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